• The property is still in escrow.
  • Assuming the sale moves forward as planned, our lease is up on June 30.
  • It’s important to support our club by paying your membership fees. We now have a six-month membership fee option. No worries – you will not lose your money.


  • Mayor Moon, Councilman Mills and City Manager, David Ready are investigating alternative property options for the club. We have asked to be included in these discussions but have received no response to our inquiry.
  • Upon our request, the City said they would call the buyer to ask about a possible lease extension. To date, we have had no response.


  • We continue to pursue historical status which, if achieved, would make it difficult (though not impossible) for someone to demolish our club.
  • We have asked a realtor to identify available properties for sale in central Palm Springs that could meet our needs. Once we have this information, we’ll have a better idea if pursuing a land purchase is even feasible.
  • We have a small weekly committee meeting where we are discussing options and next steps.
  • We are doing our best to discover why we are having such difficulty getting the City to respond to us.


  • Many members are anxious for more communication. We will do our best to provide updated information on a weekly basis. Please respect Kurt and Ana’s time.  They are working hard to keep the club running smoothly and keep everyone happy.  While they definitely appreciate your interest, getting questions all day, every day is exhausting.


  • Watch Mayor Moon’s Facebook page for his monthly coffee klatches. He chooses the date, place and time. Let him know your concerns.
  • Continue to write letters to the City Council and the Desert Sun. For guidelines, visit http://www.plazarc.com, click on Save our Community Tennis Courts.
  • Sign a petition either on-line (same link as above) or in the club office on the counter.
  • Watch our postings either (on the website and in the window of the club) for dates when our club’s future will be discussed at the Historic Site Preservation Board and/or City Council meetings.
  • Plan to attend those meetings. If at all possible, PLEASE plan to speak.

Craig Borba | Kurt Haggstrom | Steffen Nye | Pamela Steele | Brian Wachs